Journeying is such an important part of the Ryde experience. At Ryde, we believe that growing up doesn't have to mean growing old and that one of the ways to resist growing old is to continue to explore and experience everything that life has to offer. Ryde is passionate about the role we can play in supporting people to find the things they are passionate about and to help them discover even more opportunities to engage with the world around them. Ryde Journeys is an opportunity for us to share with the Ryde Community what people who feel connected to Ryde are doing on their own personal and professional journeys, and perhaps even inspire others to journey further, wider or deeper into the world around them.

Blake Wilson

"May 23, 2021 "Not every day must be a grand adventure. Nor can it. For if everyday was an adventure, then the magic of it would fade, There is beauty in routine moments as well. Find them."

Indi Gambold

My journey really started in 2021 when (having just finished highschool), I decided to set out on a solo road trip around Australia. While on the road, I met some extraordinary people, ranging from professional surfers, crypto-dudes, nature-lovers and other creatives. It was also about this time I started getting into photography, purely as a way to capture the places and experiences I was seeing while travelling.

Ry Brown

I am in this phase of that I call “blowing my life up”.

When I began sharing my fitness journey on social media I had no idea that it would have such an amazing impact on so many people. The positive feedback that I’ve received has pushed me to examine my life and think about the life I have versus the life in my dreams.

Hiking Hawaii

It’s January 2023. We’ve just spent a week in New York City: enjoying the most full days of exploring the city, taking meetings and spending an enormous amount of time in NYC taxi cabs. We’re now in Hawaii and adjusting to the change of pace, weather and people. Hawaii excited us; it sparked our curiosity. What excited me most? Hiking.

Exploring Brooklyn

We arrived at our Brooklyn apartment at 2am. A view over the Brooklyn skyline sure felt different after having been in Renmark only 48 hours earlier. It’s a change, a really big one, one that we couldn’t be more excited about. Exhausted on arrival, we needed food, so we went for a walk downtown to a 7 Eleven to get some supplies.

